Guidelines For Abstract Submissions
The Mediterranean Academy of Emergency Medicine invites you to submit an abstract to MEMC25.
Please read carefully the Abstract Guidelines below before submitting an abstract. Abstracts can only be submitted electronically through this web page.
It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correctly edited and accurate abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific statements/data will be reproduced as typed by the author.
Abstracts will be rejected if they contain no data or if the English is unacceptable.
All Presenting Authors will receive detailed presentation guidelines when their abstract has been accepted.
Acknowledgement of the receipt of abstract submission will be sent to the Presenting Author’s email address immediately upon submission.
In addition, all communication about the Scientific Program, acceptance, and presentation will be communicated using the Presenting Author’s email.

Deadline for Abstract Submission: 1 April 2025
- Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
- Members of AAEM and MAEM, as well as non-members are eligible to submit abstracts.
- You cannot submit the same abstract for Oral or Poster Presentation, Poster Presentation Only and Case Report (poster presentation only).
- All healthcare professionals, physicians, nurses, paramedics, students, administrators, and other medical providers are encouraged to participate.
- Submitting an abstract does not register you for MEMC25. You must register and pay the applicable registration fee for the Congress.
- The Abstract Committee will consider for acceptance abstracts that have been previously presented at other national, regional, and international scientific meetings.
- Abstracts can only be submitted online.

Abstract Submission Format
There are three (3) abstract submission formats to select from:
- Poster Only Presentation (I want my abstract to be considered for poster presentation only)
- Oral or Poster Presentation (I want my abstract to be considered for oral or poster presentation)
- Case Report (considered for poster only presentation)
You cannot submit the same abstract for Oral or Poster Presentation, Poster Presentation Only and Case Report (poster presentation only).
Please read the following section before submitting your abstract for review. The size limit includes Abstract Title and Abstract Body. Please refrain from using special characters within the abstract text.
Abstracts should adhere to the following:
- The complete abstract must not exceed 100 characters for the TITLE / 2,500 characters for the BODY (Objective, Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions).
- Title: Capitalize only the first letter in each word in the title (ex: This is My Abstract Title)
- Spell out words; do not use abbreviations.
- The title and text cannot include advertising of any product or company.
All communications and notifications regarding abstract submissions will be sent to the person identified as the ‘Submitter’ in the online abstract submission form.
A special or unusual abbreviation should be placed in parentheses after the first appearance of the full word for which it stands. Non-proprietary (generic) drug names should be used and should be written without capitals.
If you are including tables or figures within your abstract, you must enter the appropriate ID tag in the abstract body.
Tags must be entered as shown
[table1] for your first table; [table2] for your second table; [figure1] for your first figure; [figure2] for your second figure.

Abstract Submission Categories

Attendance is Required
Accepted poster and oral abstracts must have a presenter register and attend the MEMC25 Congress to present their abstract(s), and should plan to attend from 14 to 17 August 2025, as poster and oral presentation dates are subject to change.
It is not mandatory that the first author be pre-registered and present; the presenter may be any of the contributing authors or a colleague. The presenting author or colleague must plan to attend the Congress in full as oral and poster presentation assignments will not be rescheduled to accommodate personal travel plans. Please do not submit an abstract unless you are prepared to travel to Budapest from 14 to 17 August 2025 to present your research.

Withdrawing an Abstract
You may withdraw an abstract at any time while abstract submissions is open. If you decide to withdraw an abstract, please follow the steps in the system under “Submission Status” to withdraw your abstract.
There is no penalty to withdraw your abstract.
IMPORTANT: If you wish to withdraw your submitted abstract after the abstract submission period closes (4 February 2025), your request to withdraw must be received in writing no later than the 1st of April 2025.
The MEMC25 Abstract Committee will review all abstracts. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed in blinded fashion. Abstract scoring and acceptance will be based strictly on merit. Authors are required to select one category under which their abstract should be reviewed during the submission process.
The Committee will be directed to reject abstracts for the following causes:
- Plagiarism detected
- Marketing
- Subject not related to the field of Emergency Medicine
- Does not meet basic submission requirements

Authors will be notified if their abstract has been selected for oral or poster presentation in May 2025 (subject to change). Further details regarding placement as an oral or poster presentation, as well as date of presentation will follow as soon as possible. If you do not receive any notification of your abstract’s status, please contact: MEMC25@MAEM-Org.me. The final schedule for presentation will be provided by July 2025 (subject to change).

Terms and Conditions
MAEM expects that all abstracts selected for presentation will be presented by the original author(s) and that no submitted abstracts will be withdrawn. Please do not submit an abstract if you are not prepared to travel to the meeting and present it in the session selected by MAEM.
Accepted abstract presenters should plan to attend the MEMC25 Congress 14-17 August 2025, in its entirety as poster and oral presentation dates are subject to change. Oral and poster presentation assignments will not be rescheduled to accommodate personal travel plans.
MAEM only accepts original work. By submitting your abstract, you affirm that your abstract is your own, either individually or of the group.